Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

I messed up!

I have not been blogging lately, because my children been sick with the flu, which I also totally messed up my cleanse due to them being sick...Yes, I'm blaming my mess up on my children...LOL

I have seriously kinda messed up my cleanse, but I haven't eaten any red meat, I have eaten chicken the other day and ooooh chocolate, yes I have chocolate, but not to much, just one candy bar.

I'm starting over, this Sunday, I hope the Lord forgive me, but I'm picking myself back up, so that's good, right? This time, I'm not going to be this drastic, I'm do a little at a time, like I'm start with eliminating the red meat first and pull away from the sugar/candy bars or whatever.

I'mma do it slow, this is going to work for me, please pray for me blog world.

Talk 2 ya soon!
Brown Sistah

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 1 of My Cleanse!

I woke up with prayer this morning and I'm so proud of myself, I went to church today and I haven't been to church in about 2yrs and I'm sooo glad I did. One of my ways of developing a relationship with God is for me to get myself in the church and this church I really like besides the Paster Frederick D. Haynes Church that's located in Dallas, TX.

The Paster here at Mars Hills Baptist Church, his name is Paster Stowers, he preached a good service today, he spoke about Love and how we sometimes say so freely that we love someone, but do you really know what love is, Love is Patients, Love is Kind, Love is a verb, It's Action!

Don't just say you love someone but then you don't show it, show people that you love them by your action!

Also, he spoke about what love is not...Love is not Proud (Gifts are tools of service not self-advancement) Love is not Self-Seeking (Being Selfish or Self-Centered)
Love is not Envy, Love does not envy and envy is another word for jealousy and no one should be jealous of no one, God made us all different, we all are unique in our own way.

Ok, back to my cleanse, I decided that I wanted to release some weight, get healthy & fit, create a loving relationship with God, eliminate some negative things and some negative people from my life, give up something for something. That's why I decided to give up the internet, except for me blogging about this experience or looking for a job. I'm addicted to social networking, I'm addicted to entertainment blogs, shit I'm even addicted to reading other blogs and I decided to give up my addiction for the lord and spend time getting to know more about him, studying his word, being more prayerful and all the good stuff that comes along with developing a loving relationship with God.

As far as me trying to release some weight, my weight is getting very bad, honestly I just let myself go, I'm just eating all kinds of stuff and especially living here with my mother, she eats so much crap and we both know that we don't need it. I'm just sick n' tied of this thick sh** and the unhealthy stuff that comes along with it, like all the diseases that you can get by being obese, that's scary.

When, My husband and I were living in our own, I was a healthy eating sistah, I was juicing, eating more fruit and veggies, no red meat and definitely no pork, I still won't have any pork, you know what the pig is, it's a rat, cat, and dog all in one and plus it eats it's on sh**(How disgusting, Right?) we got to be careful, because there is some pork in just about everything.

Well, during my cleanse, I'm eliminating...Sugar, Red Meat, Chicken, Fish, Junk food, Chocolate (which is going to be hard) but heck, I can do it, let me hear you cheer me on..."You can do it!" LOL

I will be juicing, I will have smoothies (I love smoothies) lots of salad, lots of fruit and I got recipes from off the internet the other day for cooking vegetables in many different ways. I'm also following the Fit for Life plan, it's a book, it's called Fit for Life and it's by Harvey & Marilyn Diamond, this book is very nice, very helpful, very true and some people, I know speaks highly of it and it's talking about food combining and lots of other good stuff, please if you interested in becoming healthy and getting rid of the weight permanently, this is the book to get.

I'm not going to eat after 8PM, also have some Cascara Sagrada cleansing pills, until I can get the whole detox plan from Nature Sunshine, in which I'm a distributor, but haven't really focused on the business, but I will soon, I'm trying to do one thing at a time and what's important to me right now is, God, Myself, family, school and looking for a part-time job, until I'm done with school.

I prayed and talked to God and I feel good, so far I haven't had a desire for chocolate, but it is the first day, I'm going to need yall to pray for me, I'm serious, because eliminating sugar is going to be challenging for me, I might be cranky and stuff, but the family know what I'm trying to do, so they expecting that.

The day is almost gone, I'm about to read some of my bible, I'm also reading Iyanla Vanzant book "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up" what a terrific book, I advise yall to purchase it if you don't, It's really helping me connect with myself more and also with the Divine, it's really a very good book as well.

I'm really also during a Spiritual Cleanse, as one of my friends call it, so I'm on a Spiritual Cleanse, I'm working on cleansing My Mind, Body, and Soul. It will be well worth it.

Pray for me blog family, I need strength. I'm about to lay it down now, I'm getting sleepy, so I will talk 2 ya soon!

Peace & Blessings!
Pretty Brown Sistah

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Little 1's

I have a 7yr old son name Nairobi, we call him Robi, I met him around the corner from my apartment today, he was coming home from school and I asked him...Are you going with your grandma over to your cousin house at 4PM to see your cousin Shakenna go on prom? He said...Are they having food?
I said...No and he looked at me and said...Nope! I was laughing so hard, I since they not serving food, you don't want to go...He said...No

Last Sunday, My 4yr old Jabari, we call him Bari, when I call both my boys, I call them R & B, so anyway, Jabari and I were watching Joel Osteen on BET last Sunday night, he asked who was Joel Osteen God, I looked at him and I said no and I start explaining to him who Joel Osteen was and who God is and so BET always have Joel Osteen, website at the top of the TV and some advertisement pertaining to Joel Osteen events, so Jabari points to the top of the TV were the website was advertise he says...What do that say? I said...that's his website, Jabari says...It looks like it say SpongeBob to me. Talking about somebody laughing so hard, he looked at me and he start laughing and kissing me, I said..little boy you are to much, go to bed.

The other day, I took my oldest son to go register at Malcolm X College, I had to help him get start and to see if they needed anything from me by him being only 17yr old and as my oldest son was filling out the paper work, Jabari says...Where are we going after this?
I said...home, I have to go to school, He go tell not going no school, you go sit in your chair and get on your computer and watch TV with me, I start laughing, I you just want me to stay home with you.

My children are a trip, I love them and I'm so glad that they choose me to be their mom:-)

Anyway, Happy Friday!!!
I have nothing plan, as always, I just cooked and I'm home alone and I'm about to relax in the bed with me a book and my TV on HGTV.

I have to make me some tea as well, my throat is sore.

What are your plans for this week-end?

Peace & Blessings,
Brown Sistah