Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Wish, I Wish!

I show wish I was still living in Dallas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
well actually, I lived in the south suburban part of Dallas, were it's peace and quiet, nice neighborhood, some nice people, the schools were great, the cost of living was cheaper.

Well, I'm back in Chicago now, I was born & raise here, but I'm starting not to like it here:(

It's hard to find a job, don't let me start talking about the cost of living, it's so damn hard to find an apartment here, I just want to go back to Texas, I'm sooooo feed up with Chi-Town it's ridiculous.

Chicago, do have some good qualities, and I don't feel like naming them because all I know is I'm ready to go back to Texas, were it rarely snow, Beautiful homes for much, much, cheaper than Chicago.

Once I'm done with School, that's it I'm going back to Texas, I just hope my husband agree!
He loved Texas also, so it will be easy trying to convince him and plus just last month he was just stating he wanted to go back, so it's a done deal!

I'm Out!

Peace & Blessings,
Brown Sistah


Eb the Celeb said...

So are you a cowboys fan or a bears fan?

Delonda Burns said...

I don't like Football, I'm a Maverick Fan....Lol

Delonda Burns said...
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