I been doing good on 3rd shift, at some moments I get sleepy, I would say around 5AM everyday I find my eyes slowly getting lower and lower....LOL. I Love the job, it's so easy and the people there are really nice, I like that.
I been there going on 3weeks and I didn't get paid for the very first week that I started and I'm trying to be patient without cussing they azz out, but they go make a sistah go there.
The recruiter that I'm working with is a very nice man and I haven't had a problem with him yet, but if I don't have 2 checks this coming Thursday, it's going to be trouble, trouble...I'm going over his head!
Working this 3rd shift have made me missed church and I don't like that, my paster actually came to my home last Sunday to see what happen to me and I felt really bad, but I had to explain to him, that I been working and we had a family reunion on one of the Sunday's, but I'm going to make it my business to go this Sunday. I actually missed 3 Sunday's of services...( do that sound right) Whatever, I got to get back into the church and that's a must!
I must say, I'm doing pretty good, I'm working and still attending school, being a outstanding mom and trying to be the best wife to my husband, but have he been the best husband...HECK NO!
I go to work Thur-Mon, from 11:30Pm til 8AM and I attend School Mon-Thur from 1:45-5Pm and sometimes, I be tied, my husband is not working and I feel like he should help me more around the house, since I'm the one taking care of the family and of course our share of the rent and bills...How come, I come home and our bedroom is in a complete mess, tore up from the floor up, he leaves plates and cups all on the floor and he smokes, I hate smoke and honesty, I always told myself, that I would never date a smoker and here I am married to one, if only you could see my face right now...LOL
The room smells like smoke, I hate it so bad and he have his ash tray on the floor and if my children get to that, his used cigarettes are on the floor with the other mes. I tell him, to help keep the room clean, that's the least he could do, Do yall understand what I'm saying?
I really, don't know how long, I'm going to put up with this, it may have to cause him to go live with his niece, I'm like you really not a big help to me and add more work for me. When I leave out the house at night, I leave around 10:40PM to walk to the train, he already be outside, I feel he should walk to the house and walk with me to the train, instead I walk my damn self, even though I see him on the way, I feel he should still at least come home and walk with me all the way to the train, so as I'm walking to the train, which is only really 2blocks, I meet up with him about a block away from the train and he walks the rest of the way with me to the.
He can also get on the elevator with me and wait for the train with me, he doesn't and I ask him to come up with me and only twice he have, but he will go back down, I'm like...damn, at least stay with me, it is night time, but I guess I should ask him to but I'm like, Why should I have to ask? Do you understand what I'm saying? Be a gentlemen, is all I'm asking.
Anyway, I'm about to get some sleep, I have to work tonight and I'm off tomorrow and I'm soooo happy!!!
Until next time,
Peace & Blessings!
Brown Sistah
Hey Sis - I'm praying for you. I don't know all the background about your husband's employment issues and you know I'm not married, but I pray you two can work this out.
Has he always been this negligent with helping around the house or did this begin when you started working? Perhaps you didn't notice before because you handled it.
You should stay in prayer - ask God to show you how to deal with your current situation. Your husband may be feeling like a failure because he can't provide for his family and is projecting his discontent with himself on you. So keep your husband covered in prayer and make sure you don't kill yourself trying to do everything.
Stay Blessed!!!
Hey Sis,Thank You so much, you are so sweet:-)My husband and I had a talk the other day and I came home yesterday and he cleaned the entire bedroom, I was surprise!
(I had to tell him about his self)
he didn't get mad, he agreed with me and it went well!
No, he has not been negligent before, I'm noticing now that he is he is going through a hard time,because he have no job and at times I have to make him shave.
He don't want to be in Chicago any more and you are so right, he do feel like a failure, because he tells me all the time, that his father told him, that a man is suppose to take care of his family.
We started praying at night and I pray for him when I'm praying alone and he is a terrific man and I will not give him up for nothing, he's going through somethings and I'm glad that we can communicate and work things out. He's just ready to settle down in a southern state he says and get a job so he can raise his boys and provide for his family.
He really wants to make me happy and I want him to make him happy also. I trust God and we are going to allow God to come into our life and just take over, there's no other way, but God's way!
I am going to keep him covered in prayer and I'm not going to kill myself trying to do everything:-)
I promise!
Peace & Love!
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