Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a Day!

Any Body want to guess where I been today, go ahead, take a wild guess. Yes, I went on a field trip with my 7yr old today and we went to Lincoln Park Zoo, we seen those big, beautiful looking animals that you see posted on here. My son and I had a ball, along with all the other children in his class and you talking about exercise, I walked all over the park, the park is fine, but they didn't have to many animals out today. The monkeys showed out and gave us a great performance, they were swing all over the place, dancing, cracking jokes, singing, juggling ball and stuff (I'm kidding) there was this white monkey, that just wanted to sit still and watch us, but that was cool, the black ones act up enough fool for us to laugh about...LOL

I'm glad they didn't pee on us, the last time I went to the zoo, a monkey tried to pee on us, we had to jump back. Anyway, we enjoyed ourselves and I look forward to the next field trip in May. I just love to go on field trips with my children and they are very happy to have their mom, along with them:-)

I use to go on trips with my oldest son, that's out the way...yay!!!!
now, I have my 7yr old and next, my 4yr old and he will be starting school in September and talking about somebody who can't wait, I can't, when I went to enroll him, the Teacher said...

Do you want Jabari to start school tomorrow? You should have seen my face and I looked at him, he tried to cover his face with his hands and he looked at me like...Did she just ask my mama that, I start laughing, but that couldn't happen, because I don't have his shot record and he will not have one either, because I don't believe in immunization, so I have to get a letter from our Doctor stating that I don't believe in immunization and also print the sheet from off the Islamic website that I go to. So, he will be starting in September and I'm going to have everything ready.

If you ever in Chicago, visit Lincoln Park Zoo, here's the website

I'm off to take a nap and later it's school work for myself.

Peace & Love,
Brown Sistah

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